Gameloft’s next installment into their Modern Combat franchise which was slated for release near the end of this year has been postponed until sometime in the earlier part of 2014. Modern Combat 5 was announced and shown off during E3 2013 this year in a demo version but apparently development on the game is taking a bit longer than had been expected.
The news of the delay comes from a tweet from the Gameloft Twitter account where the company officially announced the delay of Modern Combat 5 until sometime in 2014. That isn’t a whole lot of time to wait depending on when exactly in 2014 they plan to release the game. If you remember back… when the entire 2013 Gameloft line-up of titles was leaked out, the official name for this game is rumored to be Modern Combat 5: Last War.
We still don’t know a whole lot of details regarding this next installment into the game aside from the fact it’ll still be an FPS game and will have multiplayer available as well. Other than that, we just have the E3 2013 trailer to go by. When more details emerge, we will be sure to post an update.